The Successful Mind Podcast - Movers & Shakers - Ashley Bernardi

The Successful Mind Podcast – Episode 449 – Movers & Shakers – Ashley Bernardi

Ashley Bernardi is an entrepreneur, a mom with three young kids, and the author of Authentic Power: Give Yourself Permission to Feel. She runs a PR firm called Nardi Media.

Ashley is a trauma survivor who spent the pandemic meditating upon her early traumas from childhood. When she was 11 years old, her father died tragically in front of her. She buried her feelings around this event for years and didn’t even tell her high school friends that he’d died. Ashley says when you bury uncomfortable feelings—instead of feeling them and moving through them—this is a detriment to your health, wellbeing, and livelihood. 

In today’s episode you’ll learn:


    • Why it’s important to feel your feelings—and to know that no matter how uncomfortable they are, feelings are temporary and won’t last forever
    • The F.E.E.L. framework—focus, enter, experience, listen, learn, and love (as taught in Ashley’s book)
    • “Authentic power” means accessing the wisdom you have within you
    • Ashley’s experience with postpartum depression and Lyme disease, which she sees as her greatest gift—because it was the universe telling her, “Your body has no more room to store the trauma and grief you’ve been burying your whole life”
    • Every emotion has a specific breathing pattern
    • There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to healing 
    • True healing always seems to have a spiritual component to it


“As human beings, we’re all meant to feel,” Ashley says. “By accessing our feelings and giving ourself permission to feel all the feelings, there is so much growth and transformation within.”

Authentic Power is a fantastic book that I think should be in everybody’s library. It should be required reading for your own spiritual and psychological health.


Links & Resources

The Successful Mind Podcast on YouTube – Episode 449 – Movers & Shakers w/ Ashley Bernardi

Connect with Ashley across these social platforms:

Facebook @NardiMedia
Twitter @BookerBernardi

More insiprational episodes to direct your spiritual and psycholoical health from The Successful Mind Podcast:

Episode 058 – Bury Your Past Alive

Episode 372 – I Choose How I Feel

Inside Episode 372 – I Choose How I Feel

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Discover David’s book: The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You want and Have an EPIC Life

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