RE:Ignite Your Spark – A Conversation with Julie Dell Phillips
Julie Dell Phillips is an actress who followed her vision of moving to LA, even though she was married with kids. She lived in San
Ignite Your Spark: Tapping Into Your God-Given Gift
“Stir up the God-given gifts inside you.” – 2 Timothy 1:6 During a recent Million Dollar Morning session, I taught our Elite Mind group about

The Link Between Control and Impatience
When’s the last time you felt impatient? Impatience is a terrible, uncomfortable place to be in for most people. It makes you feel out of

The Surprising Benefits of Prioritizing Curiosity Over Judgment
What do you do when you get upset with someone, such as a member of your team? Do you make assumptions and judgments about the

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Detachment: Letting Go of Fear and Embracing Opportunity
Throughout the ages, many great spiritual leaders have talked about the art of detachment. We want good things in our lives, but we don’t want

Quality over Quantity: Redefining ‘More Life’
The law of “more life” says there’s an intelligence in the universe operating behind everything—and this intelligence keeps life moving in a forward direction. Energy
Understanding the Thin Line Between Jealousy and Envy
How do you handle jealousy and envy? Everyone has experienced these two emotions at some point in their life. But you may not know that
Breaking Free from the Chains of the Need to be Needed
Do you create chaos in your life, so that you always have a problem to solve, and people always need your help? If so, you
Supercharge Your Success: Embrace the Power of Expectation
What does fake it till you make it really mean? It’s not about lying—it’s about acting as if the outcome you want were already true.
The Difference Between Intuition and Ego and Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
People are constantly asking us questions, especially as it pertains to trusting our own intuition and ego. In today’s episode, Steph and I answer the
Why Successful Business Owners Should Celebrate Their Failures
Many business owners fail to give themselves enough credit for their accomplishments. Instead, their minds are preoccupied with the myriad of chores that remain on
The Golden Rule of Company Culture: How the Law of Reciprocity Drives Success
Company culture is important. Earlier this year, Steph was using ChatGPT for some work while traveling to San Diego in first class. Tim Collins, the