Building the Business of Your Dreams Part II – The Excuses That Hold You Back

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In part one, I left you with an important question: What do you want? It doesn’t matter if the thing you want is small at first. It’ll grow. But you need to “start where you are” when you’re thinking about your desire.


People often get tripped up in two areas—1) responsibility and 2) the idea of, “I can’t.” Excuses come from the belief that you can’t do something. Excuses are rationalizations you create around the reasons why you can’t do something.


The way to change this is to take responsibility for everything you think, feel, and do, and every result you get in your life.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • Why thinking about what you DON’T want isn’t going to change your situation (you have to focus on what you WANT)


  • My experience living in one ratty apartment after another when I was younger—and how my only goal was to be able to buy my family a house 


  • How most people don’t take responsibility; instead they blame—they blame themselves, other people, places, things; and they don’t take responsibility for the situation they’re in


  • How superstition causes failure for many people 


  • The single question I teach business owners to ask when they’re facing a problem


  • Why your willingness to spend money impacts your success in business

Imagine if you were 100% accountable to yourself every single day, nonstop, no excuses.

How different would your life be? How different would your business be?


That’s exactly what I’ll be taking you through in The Elite Mind 90-Day Experience.

I created The Elite Mind 90-Day Experience to help you develop an unshakeable sense of confidence in yourself.


For more information on how you can join me in up-leveling your life and business go to


Part of building an elite mindset is developing the habit and practice of consistently doing things that lead you in the right direction… never taking your foot off the gas, and no longer getting in your own way.


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Check out David’s book: The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You want and Have an EPIC Life


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