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You were born to be a success. It’s literally built into your DNA for you to be successful. Yet, so many people would say they’re NOT successful, and that they spend their life doing things they don’t like doing. That’s why the first place we start is to ask: “What do I really want in life?”
Whether or not you manifest the thing you want has a lot to do with your paradigm. A paradigm consists of a person’s beliefs—which usually stem from beliefs that were given to them as a child. These patterns and beliefs run consistently in the background without any conscious effort on your part. They’ll continually produce results in your life, unless you do something to change them.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- “What we believe determines what we shall see”
- If you want different results, you have to change the paradigm and beliefs that are causing those results to show up
- The key to getting what you want is consistency—and you’re either consistently doing things to create results you DON’T want, or you’re consistently doing things to create results you DO want
- How many people are being consistent around failure (not success), due to a paradigm they have
- Most people are consistently NOT giving; they’re just looking to get
- We can control how we feel about what we’re doing, based on the meaning we’ve attached to it
- Nothing happens until a sale is made—but when you’ve got conflicting beliefs around sales, this causes major issues in your business
Look at one specific result in your life. Ask yourself, “What do I believe about this?”
How many times have you wanted a different result, and you have the head knowledge on how to change it—but you don’t stick with it long enough to change it? How many times have you started doing it, but then you stopped and didn’t follow through with it? This indicates that you have a belief or a meaning attached to it that’s preventing you from doing what you want to do.
Imagine if you were 100% accountable to yourself every single day, nonstop, no excuses.
How different would your life be? How different would your business be?
That’s exactly what I’ll be taking you through in The Elite Mind 90-Day Experience.
I created The Elite Mind 90-Day Experience to help you develop an unshakeable sense of confidence in yourself.
For more information on how you can join me in up-leveling your life and business go to lifeisnowinc.com/elite.
Part of building an elite mindset is developing the habit and practice of consistently doing things that lead you in the right direction… never taking your foot off the gas, and no longer getting in your own way.
Check out David’s book!
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