Why are we here? Deep thought, right? Today we’re laying the foundation around how to think from a successful mind, and I’m going to challenge you. Maybe even trigger you.
What I want to focus on specifically is one of your greatest gifts.
If you are coming from the right mindset, this one thing is what makes us grow – what makes us great.
As I’ve said in the past, all life has a purpose and we are always in that purpose. When we come into the world as a kid we are given one message or another. You are either a victim or you are empowered.
As a victim, life is happening to you and you react to make the most out of it.
As a person who is empowered, you are making a conscious choice and intentionally creating your world.
If you were to instantly flip your viewpoint that you chose the life experiences you are having, coming from a place where you are empowered instead of a victim, there is nothing you cannot accomplish.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- The construct working in your mind that is leading your life, and oftentimes from a dysfunctional place
- What nature has to teach you about yourself
- How adversity drives the vision for where you’re supposed to go and what you’re meant to do