Episode 097: Movers & Shakers – Emily Williams – I Heart My Life

I’m so excited to share another episode in my Movers & Shakers series, where I feature amazing people who are making a huge impact in not only their lives but the lives of others.

Today I have the pleasure of sitting down with Emily Williams, success coach, entrepreneur, and author with a seven-figure business.

After experiencing a quarter life crisis, she moved from Ohio to London and in 2014 launched her business, I Heart My Life, which she grew it to seven figures in under eighteen months.

Today, she works with female entrepreneurs all over the world, helping them bust through the obstacles that hold their dreams and goals hostage so they can free themselves to live the lives they want, build their own online business and hit their money goals. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How Emily’s intuition around her future steered her head long into a painful quarter-life crisis 
  • Through following her passion and setting intentions, she got down to the business of building her business and writing her book 
  • That a timely investment and a leap of faith was the catalyst to creating the seven figure business she has today

Links & Resources:

Emily Williams – I Heart My Life