Episode 166: Cause & Effect: The Issue with Santa Claus & Mythical Holiday Creatures

You may not even realize this but the human mind begins its programming before we are even born. For those who have been listening to me for quite some time, you are already aware that the subconscious mind does not have the ability to reject anything while the conscious mind does. The conscious mind, which is not developed until around the age of seven, continues to become fully formed into our early twenties. When you stop to think about that there are basically seven years where we are receiving information that we don’t have the ability to think about or reject.

With the holiday season in full swing, and a certain jolly character about to make his annual rounds around the world, I want to talk about the various themes associated with mythical beings like the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and of course, Santa Claus. There’s plenty to unpack here as it relates to these myths as I explore the nature of their existence and how it can be viewed as both a positive and a negative when dealing with children. After all, they’re always watching…

Links & Resources

The Successful Mind Podcast on YouTube – Episode 166: Cause & Effect: The Issue With Santa Claus & Mythical Holiday Creatures