Episode 213: How To Sustain Your Business During COVID-19

In this episode, David welcomes Angelique Rewers, The Corporate Agent, back to the podcast to discuss COVID-19 and how it relates to your business. Angelique discusses how the nation is handling the pandemic from a business standpoint, especially from a corporate standpoint, and what we can do to avoid “turtle mode” when keeping our operations afloat.

Angelique shares her Hierarchy of Corporate Priorities and what you can do from a crisis response perspective to not only survive but thrive in today’s changing world. When you reposition your expertise in the short term it will be so much easier to recover when normal life resumes down the road. Opportunities are there, especially for those who are level-headed enough to see the silver lining. In short, you must make the shift to meet your clients where they are.

Links & Resources

Want more support & connection? Go to https://go.davidneagle.com/navigate-uncertainty to take part in a free 8-week virtual support program I’m offering to anyone who needs help during this time of uncertainty. I look forward to bringing you Navigating Uncertainty in the weeks ahead.  Please, if you know someone who could benefit from participation in this group please share it!

The Successful Mind Podcast on YouTube – Episode 213:  How To Sustain Your Business During COVID-19