Are you selfish? Take a moment to really think about this. If you’re like me, you were taught the importance of putting others first. That being said, I want to challenge this notion and take a closer look at how being selfish can be a good thing.
Successful people know themselves and know what they want. Alternatively, people who don’t know themselves are quick to become lost in the sea of change this world offers. In order to fully know yourself there is a significant awareness component in play that is pivotal to reaching your full potential. It begins and ends with knowing what you want. Chances are if you don’t know that, and understand that the Universe never holds anything back, it’s your resistance to what you are being shown. If you want lasting change it may be time to embrace your selfish side and realize you are worth it.
Links & Resources
The Successful Mind Podcast on YouTube – Episode 263 – The Gift of Selfishness