The Successful Mind Podcast - Episode 356 - AOSS Sneak Peek: The Law of Relativity

The Successful Mind Podcast – Episode 356 – David From The Stage: Art of Success Virtual Summit Sneak Peek – The Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity states that everything in the universe is “relative.” This law governs how we think, how we give things meaning, and the “story” we create about things.

What meaning are you giving to things? If we don’t understand the law of relativity, we’ll end up creating a story about what’s happening in our life “by default,” or based on our previous stories. Once we create a story about something, it becomes very powerful. It either moves us forward, keeps us where we are, or moves us backward in our life.

The Law of Relativity also states that everything in the universe just is. It’s neither big nor small, good nor bad, pleasurable nor painful—until we attach a meaning to it. When you say something’s “expensive,” what are you comparing it to? When you say something is “difficult,” what are you comparing it to?

Often we bring in comparisons that rob us of our energy, desire, and ultimately our future. When we give something a negative comparison, we immediately create a story around it that becomes disempowering. That story then holds us in the same place. And as long as we have those disempowering stories, we create mental “blind spots” almost everywhere in our life, because our mind must take the shape of the reality we’re experiencing.

The goal is to give things meaning in a way that empowers us, and helps feed our desire, so we continue to move forward. How you use the Law of Relativity will determine the quality of your entire existence…don’t miss today’s episode!


Links & Resources

The Successful Mind Podcast on YouTube – Episode 356 – AOSS Sneak Peek – The Law of Relativity

David Neagle’s VIRTUAL Art of Success Summit – April 26th-28th, 2021

As long as you’re sitting there and you’re breathing, you have the ability to change anything.
And whether we like it or not, the day is going to come for each one of us where it’s too late… where we don’t have the ability to change.

It’s for this reason that my team and I have created a 3-Day Virtual Event that I’m hosting this month. I’ve named it The Art of Success Summit, because you really can create the life you desire, and I plan to share how you can start to make the shifts necessary to live without the “should haves” and “wish I would haves” in life.

If you’re not happy with where you are in life right now…whether it’s in your business, in your love life or in your environment, click below and get ready … it’s time for change.

David Neagle’s VIRTUAL Art of Success Summit – April 26th-28th, 2021

Every super hero has an origin story – here’s ours! Wonder Twins, activate … The Successful Mind Podcast:

Episode 001 – The Successful Mind – What Is It?

Episode 002 – The Laws of the Universe

Episode 003 – My Personal Wakeup Call

Episode 004 – How To Make a Quantum Leap

Episode 005 – Opportunity Disguised

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Discover David’s book: The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You want and Have an EPIC Life

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