The Successful Mind Podcast - Inside Episode 379 - Who Am I? What Do I Believe?

The Successful Mind Podcast – Inside Episode 379 – Who Am I? What Do I Believe?

Today BT and I are going deeper into the questions: “Who am I?” and “What do I believe?” I recommend you take these questions seriously, because in order to be successful in life , you need to know the answers to both.

Many people assume I’ve always been successful, but that wasn’t the case. I went from being bankrupt, having my car repossessed, and being angry at life in the early 1990s—to building myself into the person I am today. I had to choose what kind of person I was going to be and change my beliefs to support that. 

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

    • You are the cause of all the results in your life
    • Your current results reveal what your beliefs really are
    • The beliefs running around in your subconscious mind control your perception, which affects how you see your environment
    • Confusion is the mind’s way of trying to keep you from seeing the truth about something
    • Why people need to remove the “superstition” from their mind that’s causing them to fail
    • How changing your attitude can literally change your entire life


If you don’t like your current results, ask, “What must I believe or think in order to create a different result?”

Once you start to change your belief system, it’s remarkable how fast your results can start changing.

Links & Resources

The Successful Mind Podcast on YouTube – Inside Episode 379: Who Am I? What Do I Believe?

Episode 166 – Cause & Effect: The Issue with Santa Claus & Mythical Holiday Creatures

**FREE RESOURCE** – Are Your Beliefs Blocking Your Success Checklist

If you’re serious about changing any limiting beliefs you may have check out these past episodes from The Successful Mind Podcast:

Episode 039 – Three Stages of Gratitude – Part III: Attitude of Gratitude

Episode 156 – Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Results – Part I

Episode 260 – When Someone Shows You Who They Are Believe Them The First Time

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Discover David’s book: The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You want and Have an EPIC Life

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