Episode 016 – Remembering Anthony Bourdain

I am deeply saddened by the loss of Anthony Bourdain. He inspired us to dream, to learn, to understand differences and the world is a better place because he made the decision to follow his purpose and live his authenticity. My whole team has been affected by his passing, especially my producer and best friend, Brandon Tuss. Today we’ll be remembering Anthony Bourdain and what he meant to us in our lives, the inspiration we can take from how he lived, the importance of seeking help when you’re in a dark place as well as how to be there for someone in a dark place.

In this episode we’ll discuss:
• Our personal Bourdain experiences
• Why judgment is exacerbating the suicide epidemic
• The importance of seeking help
• How to help someone in a dark place

Links and Resources:
If you’re in a dark place or know someone who is, please call the suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-283-TALK or go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org