The Successful Mind Podcast - Episode 347 - Distractions Are Distractions

The Successful Mind Podcast – Episode 347 – Distractions Are Distractions

Each day, so many things and situations come into our life with varying degrees of priority. Many of these are distractions.

Sometimes the situation has an “emergency” quality to it, or we feel responsible for taking care of it. 

Sometimes it comes in the form of something we think we want to do or feel good about doing —but it’s actually distracting us from what we’re supposed to do.

No matter what happens, our first responsibility is to us first. We always need to have a boundary in place, because a distraction is a distraction.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:


    • How to handle distractions and make sure “value conflicts” don’t prevent you from keeping your commitments
    • Why you need to be the drill sergeant for your brain, and “show your brain who’s boss”
    • When something is a priority to you, your unconscious subconscious mind will pave the path and open the gates for you to live up to your commitment
    • If something shows up to prevent you from keeping your commitment, it’s because you don’t want the result bad enough
    • How to rewire your brain for success, and focus on “wins” to lift your confidence
    • How to stop dragging yesterday into today


Whatever you create in your subconscious mind will manifest in the physical world, if you do it correctly.

If you need help figuring out what to commit to today…don’t miss this episode!

Links & Resources

The Successful Mind Podcast on YouTube – Episode 347:  Distractions Are Distractions

Instant Self-Hypnosis by Forbes Robbins Blair

More Self-Hypnosis by Forbes Robbins Blair

Self-Hypnosis As You Read by Forbes Robbins Blair

More episodes on how to create and maintain maximum focus from The Successful Mind Podcast:

Episode 250 – The Decision to Succeed

Episode 169 – How I Can vs. Why I Can’t

Episode 164 – It’s Not What Stops You But Where You Stop

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Discover David’s book: The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You want and Have an EPIC Life

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