Immersion is Crucial for Mastery

I’ve always said success is easy, and you were born to be a success. It’s easier to make $1 million than it is to make $100K. Success should never be difficult. The more we do, the easier it should be. The Universe can’t be “difficult,” because if it was, life would cease to exist.


However, we’ve been taught and programmed to believe the opposite. Most of us were raised on the idea of trading time for money, working a job for someone else, and learning in the traditional school system—stair-stepping our way from one level to the next. We’re taught that “hard work” is what brings success.


Once you start to immerse yourself in success principles, you can begin to see your world through a completely different lens where success is easy. Your mind will no longer look “to” something—it will start to look “from” it. Changing your mindset will allow you to think FROM the idea of success and see your world through that lens, rather than the “hard work” lens.


In this episode you’ll learn:


  • All difficulty associated with success and growing a business comes down to your mindset—if you think it’s hard, it will be hard
  • If you’re doing everything through the lens of “difficulty” and “hard work,” you’ll see everything as hard
  • In order to gain mastery, you must immerse yourself in new teachings and new ways of thinking—so that you can think FROM a concept, and see and recognize opportunities based on that knowledge
  • The fastest way to gain mastery is through repetition, which expands your mind to see things you haven’t seen before
  • How the law of polarity can help you see opportunities
  • The idea of “God’s Step”—when you make a decision to do something, God or the Universe responds to your decision
  • Your mind takes the shape of whatever environment you’re in, whether it’s an environment of lack, debt, loss, dejectedness, the idea that you can’t do something, or anything else—your mind will begin to take on the shapes of those things


Plus, I share a simple process you can apply right now, that will help you create success in your life.


God (and the Universe) is not about things happening slowly. Things will happen as fast as they need to happen, once you make a decision.

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