The Successful Mind Podcast - Inside Episode 403 - Produce Your Own Experience

The Successful Mind Podcast – Inside Episode 403 – Produce Your Own Experience

In today’s episode BT and I are going deeper into Book 3 of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.

From a young age, I had so many questions about God and how religion fits into life, success, and personal growth. Sometimes I got in trouble for asking “provocative” questions at school. I wasn’t trying to be provocative—I was seriously seeking answers (and I didn’t get any that made sense). That’s why I find Conversations with God to be such a fascinating book.

In a world that’s changing so fast, I think we all need to have sincere conversations about God, our values, why we believe the things we believe—and be okay with disagreeing with others. We need to question these things, because if we stop asking questions, we’ll believe whatever we’re told to believe. And that never ends well.

This episode may ruffle a few feathers! You’ll learn:


    • We should question why we believe the things we do—because often our beliefs were just passed down to us from someone else
    • The fascinating things people can do with religion—everything from creating inner peace and helping others, to killing someone they don’t agree with
    • Both religion and science agree that there is no real death—it’s all just a transference of energy
    • The world today is changing so quickly—information is coming at us so fast, we don’t have time to even think about what we’re experiencing
    • We should all be free to live the life we want, but we must do things that add to our lives (through the idea of “more life”)


It’s important for us to really think about what we’re experiencing and doing—and choose solid values that allow us to create the life we want.

Links & Resources

The Successful Mind Podcast on YouTube – Inside Episode 403: Produce Your Own Experience

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

Create the life you want in a fast changing world with these previously released episodes from The Successful Mind Podcast:

Episode 260 – When Someone Shows Your Who They Are Believe Them The First Time

Episode 296 – Serious Questions You Should Ask Yourself In Your Lifetime

Episode 300 – Can Anyone Be Successful?

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Discover David’s book: The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You want and Have an EPIC Life

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