Today I want to share with you the importance and proper use of the imagination. I’m going to tell you a story of the first time I was consciously aware and deliberately using my will and imagination to produce a seemingly impossible result. It all started with my mentor calling me out and saying to me, “David, when the HELL are you going to start practicing what it is you teach?” This was back when I had first started a business and at the time I was really learning how to study and all the information was being integrated in my mind. You see, I had never learned how to study. In school it’s – take this information and repeat it back to me. Reciting does nothing for your results. You have to integrate the information in order to produce a desired result.
You must learn AND practice. I had seen evidence of how powerful humans can be when they can stay focused on what it is they want through the power of the visualization but I wasn’t implementing it in every area of my life. Therefore my belief in my own power was weak at best and in order for me to truly integrate this power I needed to start practicing it at all times and in all places. How do you do that? You must strengthen your ability to focus on your desired result and you do this through visualization! I’m sharing my experience in hopes that 1. It will help you understand and believe in your own power and 2. Give you evidence of this power to fall back on when you’re going after a seemingling impossible result!
In this episode you’ll learn:
-What it is to visualize
-How to tap into your manifesting power through visualization
-Practices that will keep you focused during extreme distraction
-What gives us control over our subconscious paradigms
Thanks for Listening!
Links and Resources:
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen –
Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend –
What an incredible story. One that’s inspired me to have more faith in the dreams I visualise.
Thank you Franco! I appreciate you listening to The Successful Mind Podcast and am so happy you are being inspired by it. Although the medium and how the message is being delivered has changed significantly in the 20+ years I’ve been studying and learning, the inspiration from others has always been a constant. It was people like Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, my personal mentor Bob Proctor, to name a few, who inspired me to believe in my dreams and make them come true. On this journey, I’ve always subscribed to the process of believing in yourself, seeking out those who have the results that you want, and doing the necessary work. The best part Franco, it just keeps getting better!
Wow! David thanks so much for sharing this story. It’s what I needed to hear as I had begun to waver in holding a particular vision in my own mind. Thanks again for the work you do.
Thank you Joya, I appreciate you listening to The Successful Mind Podcast. We all tend to waver in the beginning, I certainly did, but when you commit to holding the vision in front of you at all times it becomes surprisingly easy to maintain that energy. I’d suggest carrying around a card with you where you write down your goal and can refer to it often. I did this for years, still do in fact, and it makes a huge difference in your mindset. Be clear on that vision and always be working toward it. It won’t just come to you with thought but through committed action and drive. Here’s to your success!
David, your story sent shivers through my body today. Thanks so much for sharing! Something I really picked up on and which clarified something for me is that although very often we are manifesting through our secret thoughts or subconscious programming, the act of embodying a heart felt vision, keeping it clearly focused in our minds and desiring its manifestation with all our hearts counteracts our secret thought conditioning and auto attraction. Recently I had been bogged down in the idea that no matter what I desire and envision, if I still had self limiting secret thoughts programmed into me, then I would not make any progress. I thanks you with all my heart and mind 🙂
Thank you Sue, I appreciate your listening to TSM. So grateful you got the clarification you needed from this particular episode. It is through clear focus and holding the vision directly in front of you, along with committed action and persistence, that will propel you to receiving what you truly desire. When you get bogged down, remember what you are working towards and never stop. I always say if you’re not growing you’re dying. This is your growth moment. Happy listening!
David, this is my favorite episode yet! I’ve listened to it twice already today and plan to continue listening to it most days. Thank you so much for sharing this story. I LOVE the quote from Genevieve Behrend- beautiful and it makes so much sense. Thank you again!
Thank you Leah, glad you enjoyed it! It’s a great practice to get into, especially on a daily basis because it helps to crystallize your vision and hold yourself to a higher standard. Would definitely recommend any of Genevieve Behrend’s works
(Your Invisible Power; How to Live Life and Love it; Attaining Your Heart’s Desire) since they are all fantastic. Happy studying!