The Successful Mind Podcast - Episode 352 - Setting High Expectations

The Successful Mind Podcast – Episode 352 – Setting High Expectations

What does it take to turn your vision into a reality? The answer has to do with setting high expectations, being willing to fail, and being unreasonable.

Everyone who has ever achieved greatness did so, because they could see something no one else could see. They had a vision, and they believed in that vision.

When we set high expectations, we’re essentially making the decision to be great. If you have a vision for greatness—it’s because God is giving you that vision. Other people won’t necessarily see it or get it. They’ll only see the risk in it.

To bring your vision to reality, you have to have to be able to set a higher expectation for yourself on a consistent basis. Then you have to communicate that higher expectation to others. You’re also going to have to be what most people consider “unreasonable.” That’s part of being your authentic self.

Most people stop themselves from bringing their vision to reality. They stop where they have shame or guilt. They stop where they bump up against their own self-limitations.

When you’re aiming to achieve greatness—when you’re going to be a leader in your life—you cannot accept where other people stop. You have to be willing to set a higher expectation for yourself. You have to fulfill the commitment of bringing your vision into reality by being unreasonable. 

In this episode I’ll walk you through a series of questions, and a simple exercise you can do to set high expectations for yourself. Don’t miss it!


Links & Resources

David Neagle’s VIRTUAL Art of Success Summit – April 26th-28th, 2021

Expect more of yourself with support from these episodes from The Successful Mind Podcast:

Episode 187 – Reality vs. Truth

Episode 268 – Manifesting Miracles Week: A Study in A Course in Miracles – Part II

Episode 301 – What’s The Truth? Failing to Plan Means Planning to Fail

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Discover David’s book: The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You want and Have an EPIC Life

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